Our Story

In 2015, a small group of Needham residents who were personally touched by Alzheimer’s disease joined the Alzheimer’s Association’s Longest Day initiative by organizing over 20 lemonade stands throughout Needham.  Despite the pouring rain, the group raised $7,000 and instantly knew they were on to something powerful. Needham Goes Purple (NGP) was born!

 From that year forward, our expanding group of volunteers have worked tirelessly to “turn the town purple” by encouraging local businesses and residents to support our fundraising efforts through donations and participation in events. 

In 2020, two things happened; NGP became a newly formed non-profit corporation and concurrently, COVID-19 hit. Now more than ever, those battling this disease need our help.  Therefore, Needham Goes Purple will continuously strive to identify programming and services that are aimed towards helping the most vulnerable citizens and will fundraise to support those initiatives.  

 Let’s go PURPLE together in the fight to end Alzheimers! 

 Co-chairs Suzanne Lissy, Kate Mahar, Lara Meisner & the NGP Team